By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - John McCain and Barack Obama put their contrasting leadership styles on display as they staged what amounted to an audition for president during the great financial bailout debate of 2008.
Their vast differences:
McCain tends to be action-oriented and given to dramatic gestures. He listens to his gut instinct and rattles off ideas. He can also come across as impulsive and temperamental.
Obama strikes a reflective and cautious pose. He collects information and labors over pros and cons. He is so studious that he sometimes appears detached and indecisive.
Republican McCain can be too hot, Democrat Obama too cool.
Does a nation facing both domestic crisis and international conflict need McCain's passion or Obama's calm?
Neither demeanor is wrong, yet neither works in every circumstance the next president will face.
Over the past two weeks as banks failed and markets tanked, both candidates' actions have provided a window into how each could lead in the White House.
Politics certainly was at play in their postures, given that there's little more than five weeks before the election. But so were leadership mechanics shaped from McCain's experiences in negotiating rooms over nearly three decades in Congress and Obama's time debating in academic, legal and state legislative arenas.
"Their initial reactions were following their personal scripts," said Paul C. Light, a New York University professor of organizational studies and public service.
So, too, their debate performances Friday at the University of Mississippi in Oxford.
"We've got fundamental problems in the system. And Main Street is paying a penalty for the excesses and greed in Washington, D.C., and on Wall Street," an emotive McCain said, seemingly trying to tap into Americans' anger without getting overheated.
His tone measured, the cerebral Obama appeared to try to come across as thoughtful, not professorial. "We have to move swiftly, and we have to move wisely. And I've put forward a series of proposals that make sure that we protect taxpayers," Obama said.
A day earlier in a private White House summit, their public styles seemed to reverse. Obama was the active candidate, McCain not nearly as much, according to participants who described the private meeting.
Despite his junior status in Congress, the first-term Illinois senator was given the authority to take the lead for Democrats by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. He peppered drafters of the administration's plan with questions. At one point, Obama said it was time to hear from McCain.
The GOP nominee was silent for much of the session. A veteran at Capitol Hill negotiations, McCain is mindful of seniority and was outranked. He deferred to House GOP leader John Boehner and other senior Republicans. Aides said McCain also didn't want to get into the "contentious shouting match."
When McCain spoke, it simply was to voice support for the general principles offered by House Republican critics of the administration's proposal, and urge a resolution that could satisfy the concerns of all parties.
As the crisis began, McCain was aggressive in offering a bunch of solutions, making him seem all over the map at times but also engaged in the mess.
The Republican called for stricter financial industry regulations. He essentially advocated the firing of the Securities and Exchange Commission chairman, though the president has no such power. He outlined recommendations for stabilizing markets. And, he urged the creation of a commission modeled on the one after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to investigate potential Wall Street wrongdoing.
Obama was more reserved.
He rehashed economic plans he's been talking about for months and backed giving "broad authority" to the Treasury Department to deal with crisis. He promised fresh ideas to calm the meltdown — but then said he wouldn't spell out details to avoid roiling the markets. Rather, he was careful and waited to flesh out proposals until after Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson did.
The candidates acted in dramatically opposite fashions as Congress haggled with the Bush administration over its $700 billion bailout plan.
In a move that came as polls showed him trailing Obama, McCain announced he would halt campaign events, fundraising and advertising to return to Washington to try to help negotiate a compromise, and he called for a delay in Friday's debate.
"The debate that matters most right now is taking place in the United States Capitol — and I intend to join it," McCain said. Though his campaign activities were scaled back, they did not entirely stop. And, McCain's intervention either hurt or helped, depending on who was judging.
Obama balked at McCain's challenge and preferred to stay at arm's length from the negotiations. He said the debate in Mississippi should go on because the country needed to hear from both candidates and presidents need to "deal with more than one thing at once."
"My preference is to use the phone," Obama said, "in a way that's not a photo op because I think that sometimes prevents things from getting done."
In the end, both candidates ended up back in Washington for a day, the debate was held — and the jury was out on whose leadership style was best suited for this crisis and others.
Minggu, 28 September 2008
Congress, White House reach financial bailout deal
By CHARLES BABINGTON and ALAN FRAM, Associated Press Writers 25 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative deal early Sunday on a landmark bailout of imperiled financial markets whose collapse could plunge the nation into a deep recession.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the $700 billion accord just after midnight but said it still has to be put on paper.
"We've still got more to do to finalize it, but I think we're there," said Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who also participated in the negotiations in the Capitol.
"We worked out everything," said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., the chief Senate Republican in the talks.
Congressional leaders hope to have the House vote on the measure Monday. A Senate vote would come later.
The plan calls for the Treasury Department to buy deeply distressed mortgage-backed securities and other bad debts held by banks and other investors. The money should help troubled lenders make new loans and keep credit lines open. The government would later try to sell the discounted loan packages at the best possible price.
At the insistence of House Republicans, some of the program's $700 billion would be devoted to a program that would encourage holders of distressed mortgage-backed securities to keep them and buy government insurance to cover defaults.
The legislation would place "reasonable" limits on severance packages for executives of companies that benefit from the rescue plan, said a senior administration official who was authorized to speak only on background. It would affect fired executives of financial firms, and executives of firms that go bankrupt. Some of the provisions would be retroactive and some prospective, the official said.
The proposed legislation also calls for the financial sector to help make up the difference if the government does not recoup its investment in five years, the official said, but details were unclear.
Also, the government would receive stock warrants in return for the bailout relief, giving taxpayers a chance to share in financial companies' future profits.
To help struggling homeowners, the plan would require the government to try renegotiating the bad mortgages it acquires with the aim of lowering borrowers' monthly payments so they can keep their homes.
The measure's main elements were proposed a week ago by the Bush administration, with Paulson heading efforts to push it through the Democratic-controlled Congress. Democrats insisted on greater congressional oversight, more taxpayer protections, help for homeowners facing possible foreclosure, and restrictions on executives' compensation.
To some degree, all those items were added.
At the insistence of House Republicans, who threatened to sidetrack negotiations at midweek, the insurance provision was added as an alternative to having the government buy distressed securities. House Republicans say it will require less taxpayer spending for the bailout.
But the Treasury Department has said the insurance provision would not pump enough money into the financial sector to make credit sufficiently available. The department would decide how to structure the insurance provisions, said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., one of the negotiators.
Money for the rescue plan would be phased in, he said. The first $350 billion would be available as soon as the president requested it. Congress could try to block later amounts if it believed the program was not working. The president could veto such a move, however, requiring extra large margins in the House and Senate to override.
Despite the changes made during an intense week of negotiations, the heart of the program remains Bush's original idea: To have the government spend billions of dollars to buy mortgage-backed securities whose value has plummeted as hundreds of thousands of Americans have defaulted on their home loans.
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Saturday that the goal was to come up with a final agreement before the Asian markets open Sunday night. "Everybody is waiting for this thing to tip a little bit too far," he said, so "we may not have another day."
Hours later, when he and others told reporters of the plan in a post-midnight news conference, Reid referred to the sometimes testy nature of the negotiations.
"We've had a lot of pleasant words," he said, "and some that haven't always been pleasant."
"We're very pleased with the progress made tonight," said White House spokesman Tony Fratto. "We appreciate the bipartisan effort to deal with this urgent issue."
It was not immediately clear how many House Republicans might vote for the measure. With the election five weeks away, Democrats have said they would not push a plan that appeared sharply partisan in nature.
WASHINGTON - Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative deal early Sunday on a landmark bailout of imperiled financial markets whose collapse could plunge the nation into a deep recession.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the $700 billion accord just after midnight but said it still has to be put on paper.
"We've still got more to do to finalize it, but I think we're there," said Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who also participated in the negotiations in the Capitol.
"We worked out everything," said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., the chief Senate Republican in the talks.
Congressional leaders hope to have the House vote on the measure Monday. A Senate vote would come later.
The plan calls for the Treasury Department to buy deeply distressed mortgage-backed securities and other bad debts held by banks and other investors. The money should help troubled lenders make new loans and keep credit lines open. The government would later try to sell the discounted loan packages at the best possible price.
At the insistence of House Republicans, some of the program's $700 billion would be devoted to a program that would encourage holders of distressed mortgage-backed securities to keep them and buy government insurance to cover defaults.
The legislation would place "reasonable" limits on severance packages for executives of companies that benefit from the rescue plan, said a senior administration official who was authorized to speak only on background. It would affect fired executives of financial firms, and executives of firms that go bankrupt. Some of the provisions would be retroactive and some prospective, the official said.
The proposed legislation also calls for the financial sector to help make up the difference if the government does not recoup its investment in five years, the official said, but details were unclear.
Also, the government would receive stock warrants in return for the bailout relief, giving taxpayers a chance to share in financial companies' future profits.
To help struggling homeowners, the plan would require the government to try renegotiating the bad mortgages it acquires with the aim of lowering borrowers' monthly payments so they can keep their homes.
The measure's main elements were proposed a week ago by the Bush administration, with Paulson heading efforts to push it through the Democratic-controlled Congress. Democrats insisted on greater congressional oversight, more taxpayer protections, help for homeowners facing possible foreclosure, and restrictions on executives' compensation.
To some degree, all those items were added.
At the insistence of House Republicans, who threatened to sidetrack negotiations at midweek, the insurance provision was added as an alternative to having the government buy distressed securities. House Republicans say it will require less taxpayer spending for the bailout.
But the Treasury Department has said the insurance provision would not pump enough money into the financial sector to make credit sufficiently available. The department would decide how to structure the insurance provisions, said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., one of the negotiators.
Money for the rescue plan would be phased in, he said. The first $350 billion would be available as soon as the president requested it. Congress could try to block later amounts if it believed the program was not working. The president could veto such a move, however, requiring extra large margins in the House and Senate to override.
Despite the changes made during an intense week of negotiations, the heart of the program remains Bush's original idea: To have the government spend billions of dollars to buy mortgage-backed securities whose value has plummeted as hundreds of thousands of Americans have defaulted on their home loans.
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Saturday that the goal was to come up with a final agreement before the Asian markets open Sunday night. "Everybody is waiting for this thing to tip a little bit too far," he said, so "we may not have another day."
Hours later, when he and others told reporters of the plan in a post-midnight news conference, Reid referred to the sometimes testy nature of the negotiations.
"We've had a lot of pleasant words," he said, "and some that haven't always been pleasant."
"We're very pleased with the progress made tonight," said White House spokesman Tony Fratto. "We appreciate the bipartisan effort to deal with this urgent issue."
It was not immediately clear how many House Republicans might vote for the measure. With the election five weeks away, Democrats have said they would not push a plan that appeared sharply partisan in nature.
Masyarakat Padang Lawas Stop 35 Tronton Bermuatan Kayu
Sibuhuan, Palas (SIB)Perusahaan PT Sumatera Riang Lestarai (SRL) dinilai mengingkari kesepakatan, warga Desa Unte Rudang Kecamatan Barumun Tengah (Barteng) Kabupaten Padang Lawas (Palas) menahan/menyetop 35 unit tronton membawa kayu bulat milik perushaan tersebut, Selasa (23/9).Keterangan yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber di masyarakat, Rabu (24/9) menyebutkan, ditinjau dari peraturan yang ada, bahwa perusahaan yang beroperasi di daerah Palas wajib memberikan Comunity Depelovement (CD) atau bantuan bina lingkungan kepada warga sekitar lingkungan perusahaan.Bahkan hal itu dituangkan dalam poin-poin pada izin yang dikeluarkan pemerintah, termasuk memberikan bantuan sosial kepada masyarakat berupa perbaikan infrastruktur, pelayanan kesehatan, pendidikan dan ekonomi untuk perbaikan kesejahteraan masyarakat.Namun semua kesepakatan itu tidak mendapat respon sesuai harapan warga Desa Unte Rudang, sehingga sejak Juli 2008 lalu, warga telah melakukan penyetopan terhadap tronton yang sama ketika sedang mengangkut kayu bulat berbagai jenis.Guna menjaga situasi tetap kondusif maka dibuatlah kesepakatan bersama ketika itu, tetapi hingga saat ini kesepakatan bersama itu tidak direalisasi, sehingga masyarakat kembali melakukan penyetopan 35 unit tronton kayu bulat dari lokasi perusahaan.Camat Barteng Drs Irwan Halomoan Hasibuan bersama Danramil Kapten Inf J Sitohang kepada wartawan membenarkan penyetopan itu. Humas PT SRL A Pohan bersama Flores Pasaribu juga membenarkan penyetopan 35 unit tronton kayu bulat oleh masyarakat.Mendengar kejadian itu, aparat Polres Tapsel pimpinan Kabag Ops AKP SP Sinulingga bersama Kasat Reskrim AKP SM Siregar, SH bersama sejumlah personil meluncur ke wilayah Sibuhuan dan mendapatkan 35 unit tronton bermuatan kayu bulat berbagai jenis berjejer parkir sepanjang sekitar 1 Km. “Kita telah fasilitasi pertemuan antara perusahaan dengan masyarakat dan tampaknya ada titik temu”, kata Kasat Reskrim. (T7/g)
Beberapa Investor Asing Tertarik Investasi Tambang di Sumut
Medan (SIB)Wilayah Propinsi Sumatera Utara memiliki potensi hasil-hasil pertambangan cukup besar. Tak heran jika beberapa investor asing dari berbagai negara, terutama Australia menjadikan Sumut sebagai salah satu tujuan investasi untuk melakukan aktivitas bisnis pertambangan. Seperti halnya dengan pertambangan emas Newmont di Batangtoru Tapanuli Selatan dan penambangan timah hitam dan seng, PT Dairi Prima Mineral (DPM) yang merupakan perusahaan patungan antara Herald Resources dan PT Antam (Indonesia) di Sopokomil, Dairi.Menurut Kadis Pertambangan Sumatera Utara, Washington Tambunan pada wartawan Kamis kemarin di ruang kerjanya kehadiran perusahaan tambang di Sumut ini akan berdampak positif bagi masyarakat sekitar dan pertambahan pendapatan negara. Mengingat wilayah pertambangan tersebut pada umumnya berada di wilayah terpencil yang terkadang tidak terjangkau dengan baik pembangunan infrastrukturnya. Dengan adanya aktivitas kegiatan pertambangan di daerah itu, secara tidak langsung akan menyentuh perkembangan infrastruktur di kawasan itu. Seperti perbaikan infrastruktur jalan dan pembuatan jalan-jalan baru. Tak terkecuali juga penyerapan lapangan kerja dan peningkatan pergerakan sektor ekonomi masyarakat.‘’Saya yakin kehadiran pertambangan lebih banyak positifnya bagi kemajuan dan perkembangan kawasan di sekitarnya. Jadi yang harus perlu ditekankan itu adalah terkait keseriusan perusahaan tambang untuk tetap memperhatikan pengelolaan lingkungan sekitar,’’ujarnya.Menurut Washington Tambunan pengelolaan lingkungan yang diterapkan perusahaan tambang yang beroperasi harus mengutamakan keselamatan penduduk untuk jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Untuk itu dia menegaskan agar perusahaan tambang yang melakukan kegiatan pertambangan untuk dapat menangani persoalan lingkungan sebaik-baiknya. Terutama untuk tempat pembuangan limbah (telling) yang telah dipersiapkan perusahaan. ‘’Jangan sampai menimbulkan persoalan bagi perusahaan tambang itu. Jadi ini harus memenuhi standar. Untuk itu saya tetap tinjau ke lapangan langsung terutama lokasi pertambangannya dan keberadaan telling-nya baik itu di pertambangan di Newmont Batangtoru dan di DPM di Parongil ,’’ujar Washington Tambunan.Selain itu, Washington Tambunan menegaskan kepada perusahaan tambang yang setelah selesai melakukan aktivitas pertambangan diharapkan dapat melakukan rehabilitasi kembali kawasan pertambangannya. ‘’Ini sudah dilakukan di pertambangan Newmont di Minahasa. Isu dugaan pencemaran lingkungan yang katanya terjangkit di masyarakat sampai ke dunia internasional. Tetapi setelah melalui persidangan cukup panjang, ternyata perusahaan tambang itu bebas murni. Tidak terbukti ada pencemaran limbah yang ditudingkan beberapa kelompok masyarakat itu yang buktinya kabur tidak bisa dipertanggungjawabkan. Sedangkan lokasinya justru saat ini menjadi wisata bahari,’’kata Washington yang saat itu menjadi saksi ahli di persidangan.Oleh karena itu, Washington Tambunan meminta kepada PT DPM yang sudah cukup lama melakukan investasi di Sumut agar nantinya memperhatikan serius pengelola telling.‘’Saat saya melihat lokasi rencana pembuangan limbah yang baru di lokasi yang ditempatkan di bagian hulu yang dikelilingi perbukitan itu lebih baik, dari pada lokasi sebelumnya’’ujarnya.Soal kelanjutan eksploitasi PT DPM di Dairi, Washington optimis pemerintah akan memberikan ijin. Apalagi sesuai informasi terakhir, 3 Menteri terkait yaitu Menteri ESDM, Menhut dan Menteri LH sudah menyetujui, tinggal menunggu Peraturan Presiden. Setelah Perpres keluar maka dia optimis Menhut akan memberikan ijin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan lindung seluas 37 Ha di Dairi sebagai lokasi eksploitasi PT DPM.
Eksplorasi Batubara dan Emas Padang Lawas
Medan (SIB)Pemerintah provinsi Sumatera Utara melalui Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Sumut akan mengeksplorasi tambang batubara dan emas di Kabupaten Padang Lawas (Palas). Rencana ini semakin kuat setelah investor asal Singapura menyatakan ketertarikannya untuk mengembangkan dua komoditas tambang andalan dari kabupaten baru tersebut.Hal ini diungkapkan Kadis Pertambangan dan Energi Sumut Washington Tambunan, ketika mendampingi Gubsu Rudolf M Pardede mengunjungi Paviliun Pemkab Palas di Pekan Raya Sumatera Utara (PRSU) ke-37, Selasa (1/4) malam.Ikut dalam kunjungan Khoo Hein Hiong, yakni investor asal Singapura yang menyatakan minatnya tersebut. “Investor ini, memang sudah menyatakan ketertarikan, dengan demikian kita akan terus mengupayakan agar hal ini bisa terealisasi, dari pembicaraan dengan Gubsu tadi, telah mengarah kepada penanaman investasi yang akan dilaksanakan. Namun demikian, mereka masih akan mengunjungi secara langsung dan melihat potensi yang dimaksud,†ujarnya.Dikatakannya, pada dasarnya Sumut yang memiliki banyak daerah potensial memang terbuka untuk investasi, khususnya dalam bidang pertambangan yang belum dikelola secara maksimal, karena belum tersentuh investor. Dengan adanya ketertarikan ini, maka potensi yang ada dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal.Mengenai nilai investasi, Washington Tambunan menuturkan, arah pembicaraan belum mengarah ke sana. Pasalnya, hingga saat ini investor yang bersangkutan belum melihat secara langsung kondisi lokasi dan kandungan batubara dan emas yang ada di Palas ini.“Kalau ditanya masalah ini, pembicaraan ke sana masih jauh. Soalnya, sebelum menetapkan nilai investasi, terlebih dahulu investor yang bersangkutan akan melakukan peninjauan langsung ke lokasi.Untuk itu, lanjutnya, langkah berikut yang akan kita laksanakan adalah menginventarisir, dengan kata lain melakukan pendataan secara cermat terhadap lokasi dan potensi yang ada. “Sehingga, tujuan investasi ini dapat memberikan manfaat, terutama untuk peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat daerah Palas secara khusus, dan Sumut pada umumnya,†katanya. (M35/x)
Bupati Tapsel Gulirkan Wacana Pemekaran Propinsi Sumatera Tengah
Bupati Tapsel Gulirkan Wacana Pemekaran Propinsi Sumatera Tengah
Posted in Berita Utama by Redaksi on Nopember 27th, 2007
Jakarta (SIB)Seiring terbentuknya dua kabupaten baru di Sumatera Utara, yakni Kabupaten Padang Lawas dan Padang Lawas Utara yang dimekarkan dari Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Bupati Ongku Hasibuan menggulirkan gagasan pembentukan Provinsi Sumatera Tengah. Selain dua kabupaten yang baru tersebut, wilayah lain yang diharapkan bergabung dengan Propinsi ini adalah Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Kota Padang Sidempuan, Mandailing Natal, dan Labuhan Batu.Dua calon kabupaten baru yakni Labuhan Batu Utara dan Labuhan Batu Selatan yang saat ini sedang dibahas di DPR-RI diharapkan juga akan bergabung dengan propinsi ini.Tentang mengapa diwacanakan Propinsi Sumatera Tengah dan Bukan Tapanuli Bagian Selatan, Ongku mengatakan semata-mata hanya karena ide Sumatera Tengah tidak terkesan kedaerahan atau kesukuan.‘Saya lebih tertarik dengan gagasan Propinsi Sumatera Tengah daripada Tapanuli Bagian Selatan,’ ujar Ongku disela-sela peresmian dan pelantikan Penjabat Bupati Padang Lawas dan Padang Lawas Utara di gedung Depdagri, Jakarta beberapa waktu lalu.Menurutnya, dari sisi persyaratan administratif kewilayahan dimana sudah terdapat enam Daerah tingkat II (syarat UU 32/2007 minimal 5 kabupaten/kota), maupun persyaratan teknis serta potensi sumber daya alam dan manusia sudah lebih dari cukup.Tentang kapan gagasan ini akan mulai berproses, Ongku Hasibuan enggan memberi target. Hanya saja ia yakin keinginan dan harapan rakyat untuk mewujudkan daerah ini menjadi sebuah propinsi sangat besar.Seperti diketahui, kabupaten/kota yang akan bergabung dengan propinsi ini memiliki sumberdaya alam yang melimpah. Bukan hanya perkebunan kelapa sawit yang terhampar luas di daerah ini, tetapi juga kaya akan tambang, seperti tambang emas di Madina. (Jos/i)
Posted in Berita Utama by Redaksi on Nopember 27th, 2007
Jakarta (SIB)Seiring terbentuknya dua kabupaten baru di Sumatera Utara, yakni Kabupaten Padang Lawas dan Padang Lawas Utara yang dimekarkan dari Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Bupati Ongku Hasibuan menggulirkan gagasan pembentukan Provinsi Sumatera Tengah. Selain dua kabupaten yang baru tersebut, wilayah lain yang diharapkan bergabung dengan Propinsi ini adalah Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Kota Padang Sidempuan, Mandailing Natal, dan Labuhan Batu.Dua calon kabupaten baru yakni Labuhan Batu Utara dan Labuhan Batu Selatan yang saat ini sedang dibahas di DPR-RI diharapkan juga akan bergabung dengan propinsi ini.Tentang mengapa diwacanakan Propinsi Sumatera Tengah dan Bukan Tapanuli Bagian Selatan, Ongku mengatakan semata-mata hanya karena ide Sumatera Tengah tidak terkesan kedaerahan atau kesukuan.‘Saya lebih tertarik dengan gagasan Propinsi Sumatera Tengah daripada Tapanuli Bagian Selatan,’ ujar Ongku disela-sela peresmian dan pelantikan Penjabat Bupati Padang Lawas dan Padang Lawas Utara di gedung Depdagri, Jakarta beberapa waktu lalu.Menurutnya, dari sisi persyaratan administratif kewilayahan dimana sudah terdapat enam Daerah tingkat II (syarat UU 32/2007 minimal 5 kabupaten/kota), maupun persyaratan teknis serta potensi sumber daya alam dan manusia sudah lebih dari cukup.Tentang kapan gagasan ini akan mulai berproses, Ongku Hasibuan enggan memberi target. Hanya saja ia yakin keinginan dan harapan rakyat untuk mewujudkan daerah ini menjadi sebuah propinsi sangat besar.Seperti diketahui, kabupaten/kota yang akan bergabung dengan propinsi ini memiliki sumberdaya alam yang melimpah. Bukan hanya perkebunan kelapa sawit yang terhampar luas di daerah ini, tetapi juga kaya akan tambang, seperti tambang emas di Madina. (Jos/i)
Rabu, 24 September 2008
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